Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What Does Marketplace Mission Learning Center’s Online Program Offer?

 What Does Marketplace Mission Learning Center’s Online Program Offer?

March 27, 2021


Alpha Omega Publications (AOP) has been offering homeschool curriculum since it was founded in 1977. First paper, then CD and DVD and now online. Alpha Omega offers various programs such as Monarch, Switched-On Schoolhouse, Lifepac, Horizons, Weaver, Ignitia and more. Ignita is only available from a school. I first used the Ignitia curriculum 2009-2010 with fourteen middle school students and 2010-2011 with 10 high school students. I continued to use Ignitia in my own school, Marketplace Mission Learning Center (MMLC) when I founded and ran the school from 2011 through 2018. I have used Ignita with online students from 2012 to date. Ignitia courses combined with my experience of 31 years, 1968-1999, teaching over 4,000 students in over 30,000 classes at a public high school mainly English but also History, Government, Reading, Photography and Writing a Research Paper, enable me to help you, the caregiver, and your student achieve success with online learning. 


So, what do I offer?

Access to over two hundred Ignitia courses, and access to my support.


For example:Fifth graders take:

Language Arts 500

History And Geography 500

Mathematics 500 

Science 500 


For detailed course descriptions see:



Fifth graders may take:

Bible 500

Any Units from Fourth or Third Grade courses. For example, if a student struggles with fractions, the fractions unit in third or fourth grade Math will help. 

Although Electives and Career Explorations I, II and III other Career and Technical courses are designed for middle and high school students, a fifth grader could try a course with no consequence if dropped. 


When a student is enrolled in an Ignitia course, a matrix is set up that can be changed at any time and can be customized and any time for each course. Ignitia Units, ten for year courses and five for semester courses, have lessons each with a quiz, quizzes for every three or four lessons, projects, unit tests and final tests, usually and A and a B version. Biology has 160 lessons, quizzes, projects and tests total; English II has 192; Geometry has 227; World History has 151 and Consumer Math (a ten unit year long course)  has 197. A matrix for all courses or adjusted for each course individually for the course grades weighs “Lesson” and “Project” and Quiz” and “Test. I usually set it to start at 10% Lessons, 20% Projects, 30% Quizzes and 40% Tests. These grade weights may be changed at any time. ”The matrix consists of a “Lesson Pass Threshold” say 80% and a “Max Lesson Attempts” say 3, a “Quiz Pass Threshold” say 80% and  “Max Quiz Attempts” say 2 and  “Test Pass Threshold” say 80% and “Max Test Attempts” say 1. Each one of the three can have a “Block Progress” on or off. The homeschool teacher can go into any Lesson quiz, Quiz or Test and reset the questions the student missed. This may sound difficult, but I would set up a default for all your student’s courses, and then as we watched your student’s progress and even involved them in a discussion of their learning, we would adjust the matrix. These custom settings along with the self paced nature of learning help students take ownership of their own learning. 


Remember what school was like? If you received a low grade in September, that grade followed you in that course for the whole school year. As a teacher, I want my students to learn the course and show me what they have learned at the end of the school year. Ignitia offers students that opportunity.


You will also receive access to the Moodle site I created in 2009, Marketplace Mission Classrooms, which offers topic libraries, supplemental courses such as Writing a Research Paper 101, SAT Preparation, and mirror Ignitia courses with supplemental links and materials.

To view my Moodle site without having to register, go to http://wcaclassroomsonline.org/mmc/ Click “Login” in the upper right. Click “Login as a guest.” When asked for a password, use “guest.” Click on any of the unlocked course libraries: Writing a Research Paper 101, SAT Preparation, Moodle Features Demo, Weaving, Bread Mission and Electronics 101.

To use "The World's Library," the internet, we students (all of us are students) must organize our own resources, and one way is to create our own Wikipedia. "Tech for Teachers” is my PBworks Wiki. MMLC students and caregivers will also receive access to my PBworks Wiki Tech for Teachers that i created in 2007. Users can be classified as “Page Level Only” or “Reader” or “Writer” or “Editor” or “Administrator.” I have published three non fiction books on Amazon using research and documentation. With all three I have made use of my Wiki, “Tech for Teachers” and my Moodle “Marketplace Missions Classrooms.”  

I will also be available for questions and to offer suggestions that help your fifth grader and you with Ignitia and online learning.

If you would like me to assign you as a teacher at no cost, I will do so using your email. As a teacher you will be able to look at every course offered. If you would like me to enroll your fifth grader for one week with you as a teacher with no email required, I will and send instructions. If at the end of the week, you do not want to continue, I will unenroll your fifth grader and remove you as a teacher. 

For more information, see my website at http://marketplacemission.squarespace.com/


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