Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Coronavirus and When To Mask or Not To Mask

 Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 10:53AM

Coronavirus and When To Mask or Not To Mask 


Propaganda, the purposeful use of information to manipulate public opinion and the purposeful use of misinformation to manipulate public opinion. 

From“Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda,” people have presented the following blizzard of “facts” regarding COVID-19: 

  • The virus aerosolizes and floats around, so we all need to be six feet apart (But why not twenty feet? Why not one mile?);

  • The virus lives on surfaces everywhere, for days;

  • Asymptomatic people can spread it unknowingly;

  • Antibodies may or may not develop naturally;

  • People may become infected more than once;

  • Young healthy people are at great risk not only themselves, but also pose a risk to their elderly family members;

  • Thin, permeable paper masks somehow prevent microscopic viral spores from being inhaled or exhaled toward others;

  • People are safer inside;

  • The rate of new infected "cases" in the first few weeks of the virus reaching America would continue or even grow exponentially; 

  • Social distancing and quarantines do indeed "save" lives;

  • Testing is key (But what if an individual visits a crowded grocery an hour after testing negative?);

  • A second wave of infections is nigh; and 

  • Our personal and work lives cannot continue without a vaccine, which, by the way, may be two years away.

How many of the above “facts” have researchers confirmed in multiple research studies? So how about “educated estimates” instead of facts. 

From “Mask Is a Double-edged Sword in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic“ published March 28, 2020.

Using a mask model and analyzing how viral particles interact with the mask model, researchers found that high quality masks can prevent viral particles from crossing the mask but the mask also reduces oxygen uptake efficiency, raises inlet air temperature and increases resistance to breathing. Researchers concluded that uninfected persons should wear masks in any closed public building where a high probability of viral particles from infected persons may exist. However mask may dramatically aggravate disease severity on infected persons; that infected persons should only use masks if cross-infection and successive infections from external viral sources outweigh the expected harm to the infected person; that people with unknown infection status should exercise due care. Researchers found no fast rule to break the chain of infection, social distancing provides insufficient protection. 

Effects of Masks on Lung Functions:

  1. Masks can filter out some viral particles from external air, but some viral particles may stick to the outer surface and some viral particles may penetrate into the mask middle layers, and some viral particles pass through the mask and enter the respiratory track.

  2. An infected person should not wear a mask with several exceptions. An infected person’s alveoli shed viral particles that move out of the respiratory track and out of the body, but if the infected person wears a mask, those viral particles will stay in the inside of the mask, and the infected person will inhale the infected particles which may infect more alveoli and make the infection worse. The initial viral attack may present as a limited attack on a small area. A person wearing a mask keeps all internal viral particles within the respiratory track and may operate as a perfect system to raise internal viral concentration. The viral concentration goes up as the breathing cycle redistributes the viral particles in the respiratory track. If an infected person does not wear a mask, most viral particles discharge into the air. 

  3. When inside and outside viral concentrations are close. Wear a mask if the outside viral concentration is higher than the inside viral concentration. Since the outside viral concentration varies and cannot be determined, a person must make a guess. 

  4. The effects of mask on oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanges. A mask creates a dead space of breathing.

  5. Masks make breathing more difficult. 

Whether a virus can be transmitted by airborne particles and what concentration can cause infection depends on many factors: viral nature, viral concentration, viral our-of-body survival time, exposure time, humidity, temperature, host health, immune system, emotional condition because it affects the immune function and blood vessel condition, etc. 

 Three problems: 

  1. Human lungs, a fragile vital organ, normally have almost 600 million alveoli with a total surface area of 70-100 meter squared or 753 square feet or 84 square yards to 1076 square feet or 119 square yards or about half the size (2,106 square feet singles tennis court) of a singles court. Each alveoli is a hollow cup-shaped cavity where gas (oxygen and carbon dioxide) exchange takes place through the capillaries. Alveolar macrophages reside on the internal lumenal surfaces of a alveoli, alveolar ducts and bronchioles acting a mobile scavengers to engulf foreign particles such as dust, bacteria, carbon particles and other particles. Alveolar macrophages, phagocytes, play a critical role in maintaining homeostasis, host defense and tissue remodeling. These phagocytes depend on a oxygen-independent microbicidal mechanisms to work effectively. Each alveolus may have 40 type I cells and 77 type II cells which means the lungs have about 70 billion epithelial cells that are exposed to the internal air way. 

  2. The airway channels allow for redistribution of viral particles that do not get exhaled. Viral particles trapped in a mask may get inhaled again and again.

  3. The lungs must work continuously from birth to death. Breathing in viral-containing air a few times is generally harmless, but breathing the same viral-containing air for a few hours may lead to disease. Based on the total volume of 500 ml of tidal breath and 150 ml of dead space, the virus may be diluted by 3 to 4 times by outside air. The critical role of viral concentration determines the development of infection. A small number of viral particles probably will not cause an infection. 

For more information: 

Go to https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/06/19/do-face-masks-help-against-coronavirus.aspx 

Go to

https://www.greenmedinfo.com/search/google-cse#gsc.q=face%20mask and view a 15 minute video about what OSHA says about masks at https://youtu.be/3STOGvsVCPs



The following three blocks of information were sent to me by a medical doctor friend in the block form. 



Works Cited

Deist, Jeff. “Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda.” Mises Institute, 26 May 2020, mises.org/wire/coronavirus-propaganda-mimics-war-propaganda.

Wu, Jianqing, and Ping Zha. “Mask Is a Double-Edged Sword in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic.” Research Gate, Mar. 2020, www.researchgate.net/publication/340267197_Mask_Is_a_Double-edged_Sword_in_the_Fight_Against_COVID-19_Pandemic.


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